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Painting/Mixed Media


     Painting produces a relaxing, open environment where artists feel safe to explore their own creativity. The reward of improving my artistic skills creates a sense of accomplishment and joy, whether using water colours, oils, acrylics, or making my own alcohol-based paints. 

   It has been said that “ Art acts as a collective memory of society”. As artists, with our expressive endeavours, we can “preserve life as we know it even better than historical fact-based records. Art expresses how it felt to exist in a particular time.”(Chitkara University Blog) We can have an impact on society. My hope is to be positive. 

Mixed media is a term used to describe artworks composed from a combination of different media or materials. Mixed-Media allows me many ways to capture a single moment in time and nature and savour its beauty for all to enjoy. What do I want to say with my creations? Celebrate life! Take pause and note the beauty around you each day! I love the saying …..”EARTH” without ART is just “EH” 

Why do I do it?  It is this simple……my soul demands it of me!

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